
Monday, August 6, 2012

Reading Action Program Join President Madden's campaign

As part of this year’s “A World of Service” theme, International President Wayne Madden is challenging Lions to participate in the Reading Action Program to focus on increasing literacy and access to learning resources through their service.

Literacy -- the ability to read and write-- is the foundation for education and social development. Yet, hundreds of millions of adults lack minimum literacy skills and millions of school-aged children are not attending school to obtain them. 

The Reading Action Program is a call to action for every Lions club around the world to organize service projects and activities that underscore the importance of reading and address specific needs related to illiteracy within their own community. 

Lions Can Make a Difference

Many clubs have already taken great strides to bridge the gaps in literacy and education. The following segment of the LQ - Lions Quarterly Video Magazine shows how Tucson Downtown Lions Club of Arizona, USA, introduces reading into one of its ongoing activities. The club promotes the importance of parents and children reading together, while addressing the need for healthy vision. They donate books along with free eye exams for parents and their children.

Lions and Leos will be recognized for their accomplishments through the World of Service Awards, including awards for Best Long-Term Reading Action Program and Best Reading Action Program Rap Video.

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